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Avril de Pastre

Avril de Pastre was born on 20th April 1987. After three years spent studying at the école des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, she was awarded her DNAP (Diplôme National d’Arts Plastiques) ‘avec les félicitations du jury’ (with honours).
In 2009 she entered the ESAD, Reims to study for her DNSEP (Diplôme national supérieur d’expression plastique), looking at objets which improve the acoustic comfort of domestic spaces. This project is to be presented in June 2011.
During her studies her works have been displayed at the Exposition des écoles at the VIA, the Designhuis, Eindhoven, and at the Lieu du design, Paris. In 2009 she won the competition, ‘Lumière sur l’Art’ organized by the BHV.
Her first collaboration with Cinna is the Solveig light.

Avril de Pastre
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