It was TOGO’s general popularity with the public and ‘all-foam’ characteristics which were the deciding factors in our decision to offer this model in reduced dimensions to suit the following age groups: MINI TOGO for the 5’s to 12’s.

Mini Togo
The LES MINIS collection was created to answer a general desire to ‘miniaturise’ adult-size seating, the characteristics of shape, comfort and safety (no hard places) of which render them attractive to both children and their parents.
Entirely in polyether foam 28 kg/m3 - 3.5 kPa.
Elasticity of foam reinforced by buttoning. Soft
yet supportive comfort.
Covers generously quilted with 300 g/m2
polyester quilting. Buttons covered to match
main cover. Covers may be removed by an

Born into a family of industrialists and designers of contemporary furniture. Trained at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, Lyon.
Having joined the Roset Company very early on, at a time of rapid growth, he has constant access to insightful marketing and a highly capable technical team. He has responsibility for the research, development and design submissions vital to ensuring the company’s brands ever-more secure positioning on the market.
He designed a range of furniture for young people (chambre DN…), along with numerous upholstery models, settees and contract furniture (459 fireside chair…).
With the advent in the 1960’s and 1970’s of new materials such as foams, quilting and thermoformed plastics, he designed a large number of pieces for the domestic market : Adria, Koufra, Kashima, Safi, Kali…
…not least the model Togo, a ‘seat-cushion’ which still forms part of the Ligne Roset collection today.