The delicacy of the motif and the subtlety of the shade associations leave this rug wide open to individual interpretation: are they an accumulation of little houses, or stylised directional arrows perhaps?
The superposition of inlaid patterns produces an optical effect similar to an oscillating band passing across a screen or the moiré effect of a shifting optokinetic pattern.
Bleu and Brique : Hand knotted rug in 90 % wool / 10 % cotton (48,000 knots/m²). Please allow for a tolerance of +/- 3 % in terms of both length and width.
Gris brun : Hand knotted rug in 75 % wool / 25 % cotton (45,000 knots/m²). Please allow for a tolerance of +/- 3 % in terms of length and width.

Memoire d’une trame
The ‘mémoire d’une trame’ rug calls on the traditional technique of hand knotting to achieve a meticulously detailed visual effect of a macrophotographic representation of a multicoloured weave.
Born in 1991, Constance Frappolli graduated in interior architecture and design from the école Camondo in 2016. She now lives in Paris, where she works on a range of projects as part of a design studio.
In her own projects, she seeks to use the object to tell a story in which shapes, materials and function are at the service of the environment.
Focussing her work on a search for balance between functionality and emotion, Constance confers on her pieces a poetic, practical nature in which forms and materials tell a story.
With a love for playing with glimpses, ironies, metaphors and images, Constance construct her design around recognisable realms.
Her rug, Mémoire d’une Trame, signals her first collaboration with Ligne Roset.